In [ ]:
# from IPython.display import HTML
# HTML('''<script>
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# <form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Toggle ON/OFF raw code cells."></form>''')

CS82 tiles statistics

Here we analyse some photometric measurements of CS82' images. The entire dataset is composed by 177 catalogs containing Sextractor's output for each tile of the CFHT survey over Stripe82.

For each tile/catalog we are going to:

  • plot RA,Dec
    • to have the footprint of detetions/masks applied
  • investigate magnitude limit
    • from the relation $$SNR = \frac{1}{mag_{err}}$$ and $$mag \propto \log(mag_{err})$$ we'll estimate $mag_{lim}$

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the data
  2. The pipeline for all images

Understanding the data

We start by using one tile to get some understanding about the data -- its structure and contents -- and to define the workflow to then apply to the other tiles.

The (test) tile to be used is ''.

In [ ]:
tilename = ''

In [ ]:
import astropy
import pandas
import bokeh
import numpy

from import output_notebook

%matplotlib inline
import seaborn
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

The contents of the (tile) FITS file follows:

In [ ]:
from import fits
hdul =

The Data Unit of our interest is the number 2.

In [ ]:
#TODO: use booq
from astropy.table import Table
cat =,format='fits',hdu=2)


Flags in such catalogs inform about the quality of the measurements process. Depending how we plan to use our data, flags are helpful to better select and understand our data.

In [ ]:
flgs = pandas.Series(cat['FLAGS']).value_counts().to_frame(name='COUNTS').sort_index() = 'FLAGS'
print flgs
del flgs

In [ ]:
_ = seaborn.countplot(cat['FLAGS'])

In [ ]:
flgs = pandas.Series(cat['FLAGS_WEIGHT']).value_counts().to_frame(name='COUNTS').sort_index() = 'FLAGS_WEIGHT'
print flgs
del flgs

In [ ]:
_ = seaborn.countplot(cat['FLAGS_WEIGHT'])


Plotting RA vs Dec give us the view of the field. For instance, geometrical-shaped holes in the plot indicate the presence of masks during the segmentation process.

In [ ]:
RA_col = 'ALPHA_J2000'
DEC_col = 'DELTA_J2000'

In [ ]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.scatter(x=cat[RA_col], y=cat[DEC_col], marker='.')
_ = ax.set_xlabel('RA (deg)')
_ = ax.set_ylabel('Dec (deg)')
_title = 'Footprint: {}'.format(tilename)
_ = ax.set_title(_title)

In [ ]:
# from bokeh.plotting import figure
# p = figure()
#[RA_col], y=cat[DEC_col])
# p.xaxis.axis_label = 'RA'
# p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Dec'
# from import show
# show(p)

Magnitude limit

Now we are going to investigate the limiting magnitude of the tile. Magnitude and its error follow a pattern as we can see right below.

In [ ]:
mag_col = 'MAG_PSF'
err_col = 'MAGERR_PSF'

In [ ]:
cat2 = cat[mag_col,err_col]
mags = cat2.to_pandas()

nil_indxs = mags[mag_col]==99
mags.loc[nil_indxs,mag_col] = None

nil_indxs = mags[err_col]==99
mags.loc[nil_indxs,err_col] = None

In [ ]:
def scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags):
    from bokeh.plotting import figure
    p = figure()[err_col], y=mags[mag_col])
    p.xaxis.axis_label = err_col
    p.yaxis.axis_label = mag_col
    _title = '{}: measurement vs error'.format(mag_col)
    p.title.text = _title
    return p

from import show

Looks like we have a logarithmic relation following this data: $$ y = \alpha + \beta * log(\gamma + x) $$

In other words, as the photometric measurement goes to fainter objects the error goes exponencially high.

We can explore this relation to better define our sample based on such measurement errors.

In [ ]:
mags_sort_byErr = mags.sort_values(by=err_col)

In [ ]:
def func(t, a, b):
    import numpy as np
    return a + b * np.log(t)

def scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr):
    p = scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)

    def fit_log_curve(x,y):
        import numpy as np

        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
        popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)

        x = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),100)
        y = func(x,*popt)
        return x,y,popt

    x,y,popt = fit_log_curve(mags_sort_byErr[err_col], mags_sort_byErr[mag_col])

    p.line(x=x, y=y, line_color='red', legend='{:.3f} + {:.3f} * log(x)'.format(*popt), line_width=2)
    p.legend.location = 'bottom_right'

    return p


If we take the simplest relation between signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Magerr: $$ SNR = \frac{1}{Mag{err}} $$

We can now define a cut on the limiting magnitude based on this definition of signal-to-noise ratio.

For example, for this tile, if I want a SNR of 5, corresponding to $Mag_{err} = 0.2$, I should go no further than $Mag \approx 24.4$.

In [ ]:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, mags_sort_byErr[err_col], mags_sort_byErr[mag_col])

MagErr_SNR = 0.2
Mag_SNR = func(MagErr_SNR,*popt)
print 'Magnitude limit: {:.3f}, corresponding to an error of {}'.format(Mag_SNR,MagErr_SNR)

In [ ]:
def scatter_mags_fit_annot(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr, MagErr_SNR, MagErr_SNR_2):
    p = scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)

    Mag_SNR = func(MagErr_SNR,*popt)
    from bokeh.models import Span
#     line_mag_snr = Span(dimension='width', location=Mag_SNR, line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)
    line_magerr_snr = Span(dimension='height', location=MagErr_SNR, line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)
#     p.add_layout(line_mag_snr)

    from bokeh.models import Label
    _lbl = ' {:.2f}, {:.2f} '.format(MagErr_SNR,Mag_SNR)
    label_mag_snr = Label(x=MagErr_SNR+0.01, y=Mag_SNR-1, text=_lbl, text_color='red',
                          border_line_color='black', border_line_alpha=1.0,
                          background_fill_color='white', background_fill_alpha=1.0)

    # Second line
    line_magerr_snr_2 = Span(dimension='height', location=MagErr_SNR_2, line_color='red', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)

    Mag_SNR_2 = func(MagErr_SNR_2,*popt)
    _lbl = ' {:.2f}, {:.2f} '.format(MagErr_SNR_2,Mag_SNR_2)
    label_mag_snr_2 = Label(x=MagErr_SNR_2+0.01, y=Mag_SNR_2-1, text=_lbl, text_color='red',
                          border_line_color='black', border_line_alpha=1.0,
                          background_fill_color='white', background_fill_alpha=1.0)

    return p

MagErr_SNR_2 = 0.5
show(scatter_mags_fit_annot(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr, MagErr_SNR, MagErr_SNR_2))

Magnitude limit using histogram

The goal now is to define the limiting magnitude in a different way, we will consider the variation of magnitude-error across the same-valued magnitude entries. The approach computes mean and standard-deviation of the magnitude-error in a set of magnitude-binned measurements.

In [ ]:
# nbins = int(round(np.power(len(mags_sort_byErr),1/3.)))
nbins = 20
bin_categories,bins = pandas.qcut(mags_sort_byErr[mag_col], nbins, retbins=True, precision=2)

mags_sort_byErr['bins'] = bin_categories
del nbins,bin_categories

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

In [ ]:
ax1 = mags_sort_byErr.boxplot(by='bins', column=err_col, rot=90, sym='*')
ax1.axhline(MagErr_SNR, color='red', ls='--')
ax1.axhline(MagErr_SNR_2, color='red', ls='--')
ax2 = mags_sort_byErr.boxplot(by='bins', column=mag_col, rot=90, whis='range')

In [ ]:
groups = []
for n,g in mags_sort_byErr.groupby('bins'):
    print n,g.describe()
    q = g[err_col]
    dq = q.quantile(0.75)-q.quantile(0.25)
    mq = q.quantile(0.5)
    if mq-1.5*dq < MagErr_SNR and mq+1.5*dq > MagErr_SNR:
print len(groups)

In [ ]:
print sum(g[mag_col].mean() for g in groups)/len(groups)

In [ ]:
def func(t, a, b):
    import numpy as np
    return a*t + b

def fit_linear_curve(x,y):
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
    return popt

import numpy as np
x = np.array([ g[err_col] for g in groups ]).flatten()
y = np.array([ g[mag_col] for g in groups ]).flatten()
    popt = fit_linear_curve(x,y)
    y = func(MagErr_SNR,*popt)
    y = None
print '{:.3f}: {}'.format(MagErr_SNR,y)

In [ ]:
def mag_limit_boxplot(MagErr_SNR, mags_sort_byErr, mag_col):
    def func(t, a, b):
        import numpy as np
        return a*t + b

    def fit_linear_curve(x,y):
        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
        popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
        return popt

    groups = []
    for n,g in mags_sort_byErr.groupby('bins'):
        q = g[mag_col]
        dq = q.quantile(0.75)-q.quantile(0.25)
        mq = q.quantile(0.5)
        if mq-1.5*dq < MagErr_SNR and mq+1.5*dq > MagErr_SNR:

    import numpy as np
    x = np.array([ g[err_col] for g in groups ]).flatten()
    y = np.array([ g[mag_col] for g in groups ]).flatten()
    popt = fit_linear_curve(x,y)
    y = func(MagErr_SNR,*popt)
    return y

    mag_limit = mag_limit_boxplot(MagErr_SNR_2, mags_sort_byErr, err_col)
    mag_limit = None
print '{:.3f}: {}'.format(MagErr_SNR_2,mag_limit)

In [ ]:
def func_log(t, a, b):
    import numpy as np
    return a + b * np.log(t)

def scatter_mags_fit_annot_2(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr, MagErr_SNR, MagErr_SNR_2):
    def scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr):
        def scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags):
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            plt.scatter(mags[err_col], mags[mag_col], marker='.', alpha=0.5)
            _title = '{}: measurement vs error'.format(mag_col)
            return plt

        plt = scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)
        def fit_log_curve(x,y):
            import numpy as np

            from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
            popt,pcov = curve_fit(func_log, x, y)

            x = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),100)
            y = func_log(x,*popt)
            return x,y,popt

        x,y,popt = fit_log_curve(mags_sort_byErr[err_col], mags_sort_byErr[mag_col])

        plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='solid', color='red', lw=1)#, legend='{:.3f} + {:.3f} * log(x)'.format(*popt))#, line_width=2)
        #         p.legend.location = 'bottom_right'

        return plt,popt

    plt,popt = scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)

    Mag_SNR = func_log(MagErr_SNR,*popt)
    print Mag_SNR, MagErr_SNR
    plt.axvline(MagErr_SNR, color='red', linestyle='dotted')
    from bokeh.models import Label
    _lbl = ' {:.2f}, {:.2f} '.format(MagErr_SNR,Mag_SNR)
    plt.text(MagErr_SNR+0.01, Mag_SNR-5, _lbl, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.9))

    # Second line
    plt.axvline(MagErr_SNR_2, color='red', linestyle='dotted')

    Mag_SNR_2 = func_log(MagErr_SNR_2,*popt)
    _lbl = ' {:.2f}, {:.2f} '.format(MagErr_SNR_2,Mag_SNR_2)
    plt.text(MagErr_SNR_2+0.01, Mag_SNR_2-5, _lbl, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.9))
    return plt

MagErr_SNR_2 = 0.5
plt = scatter_mags_fit_annot_2(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr, MagErr_SNR, MagErr_SNR_2)

Interactive plots

Mag-Error limit scatter plot

In [ ]:
def func(t, a, b):
    import numpy as np
    return a + b * np.log(t)

def scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr):

    def scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags):
        from bokeh.plotting import figure
        p = figure()# tools='pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,crosshair,hover,resize,reset' )[err_col], y=mags[mag_col], fill_color='#3A5785', fill_alpha=0.1, line_color=None)
        p.xaxis.axis_label = err_col
        p.yaxis.axis_label = mag_col
        _title = '{}: measurement vs error'.format(mag_col)
        p.title.text = _title
        return p

    p = scatter_mags(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)

    def fit_log_curve(x,y):
        import numpy as np

        from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
        popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
        print 'Cov:\n',pcov

        x = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),1000)
        y = func(x,*popt)
        return x,y,popt

    x,y,popt = fit_log_curve(mags_sort_byErr[err_col], mags_sort_byErr[mag_col])

    ln = p.line(x=x, y=y, line_color='red', legend='{:.3f} + {:.3f} * log(x)'.format(*popt), line_width=2)
    from bokeh.models import HoverTool
    hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('mag','@y'),('err','@x')], renderers=[ln], mode='vline')
    p.legend.location = 'bottom_right'

    return p,popt

from bokeh.models import CrosshairTool,HoverTool
p,popt = scatter_mags_fit(mag_col,err_col,mags_sort_byErr)
cross = CrosshairTool(dimensions = 'height')
# = 'vline'
# = [('Mag_lim = ','func($x)')]


histogram(FLAGS) and scatter(RA,DEC)


The pipeline for all images

Let us now assemble all steps above in a pipeline, to be run for all and each image in the CS82 archive.

For each image, the pipeline should:

  • Save the total number of objects (NUMOBJ_GROSS)
  • Filter out objects with FLAGS>0
  • Save the number of remaining objects (NUMOBJ_NET)
  • Create the field coverage plot (ALPHA_J2000,DELTA_J2000)
  • Create the FLAGS histogram
  • Compute magnitude limit for SNR=5 and SNR=2
    • using the fit curve
    • using the boxplots
  • For each image we want to create a table with all the limiting magnitude mesaurements. For example:
AUTO 5 0.2 24.44 24.59
AUTO 2 0.5 25.69 None
BEST 5 0.2 24.47 24.6
BEST 2 0.5 25.71 None
PSF 5 0.2 24.95 24.82*
PSF 2 0.5 25.99 None

This table should be named ${tilename}_magLimits.csv

  • For each image we want to create the following plots for each Magnitude type:
    • scatter Mag .vs. MagErr, with the fit curve and the annotations for SNR={2,5}
    • boxplot MagErr .by. Mag, with the marker lines for SNR={2,5}
    • footprint RA .vs. Dec
    • Histogram FLAGS

In [1]:
class Plots:
    Manage data source and plot creation
    def scatter(x, y, vlines=None, fit_func=None, title=None, savefig=False):
        import pandas
        df = pandas.DataFrame({,})
        def scatter_mags(x,y,df):
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            plt.scatter(df[], df[], marker='.', alpha=0.1, lw=None)
            return plt

        plt = scatter_mags(x,y,df)

        def fit_curve(x,y,fit_func):
            import numpy as np
            from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
            popt,pcov = curve_fit(fit_func, x, y)
            x = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),100)
            y = fit_func(x,*popt)
            return x,y,popt

        if fit_func != None:
            x_fit, y_fit, popt = fit_curve( df[], df[], fit_func )
            plt.plot( x_fit, y_fit, linestyle='solid', color='red', lw=1 )

        vlines_intersec = None
        if vlines:
            vlines_intersec = []
            for x_line in vlines:
                y_val = fit_func(x_line,*popt)
                plt.axvline(x_line, color='red', linestyle='dotted')

                from bokeh.models import Label
                _lbl = ' {:.2f}, {:.2f} '.format(x_line,y_val)
                plt.text(x_line+0.01, y_val-5, _lbl, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.9))

        del df
        return fig,vlines_intersec
    def boxplot(column, by, hlines, nbins=20, fit_func=None, savefig=False):
        Boxplot distributions of 'column' splitted by column 'by' in 'nbins'
        'hlines' is a list of values within 'column' limits, where 'column'
        should be annotated.
        import pandas
        df = pandas.DataFrame({,})
        import pandas
        bin_categories,bins = pandas.qcut(df[], nbins, retbins=True, precision=2)
        bincol = '_''_'
        df[bincol] = bin_categories

        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#         fig,ax = plt.subplots()
        ax = df.boxplot(,by=bincol, rot=90, sym='*')#,ax=ax)
        # ---
        def fit_linear_curve(x,y,func):
            from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
            popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
            return popt
        # ---

        hlines_intersec = None
        if hlines:
            hlines_intersec = []
            for hline in hlines:
                ax.axhline(hline, color='red', ls='dotted')

                def _within_quartil(q):
                    dq = q.quantile(0.75)-q.quantile(0.25)
                    mq = q.quantile(0.5)
                    return mq-1.5*dq < hline and mq+1.5*dq > hline

                filt_df = df.groupby(bincol).filter( lambda df,col=column:_within_quartil(df[]) )

                y_val = None
                h_lbl = ' {} : {} '.format(hline,y_val)

                if len(filt_df) > 0:
                    x = filt_df[]
                    y = filt_df[]
                    if fit_func is None:
                        y_val = y.mean()
                        popt = fit_linear_curve(x,y,fit_func)
                        y_val = fit_func(hline,*popt)
                    h_lbl = ' {:.2f} : {:.2f} '.format(hline,y_val)

                ax.text(1, hline+hline*0.1, h_lbl, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.9))

        del df
        fig = ax.figure
        return fig,hlines_intersec

    def footprint(x, y, title, savefig=False):
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        _ = ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, marker='.')
        _ = ax.set_xlabel('RA (deg)')
        _ = ax.set_ylabel('Dec (deg)')
        _title = 'Footprint: {}'.format(tilename)
        _ = ax.set_title(_title)
#         fig,_ = Plots.scatter(x, y, title=title)
#         fig.set_size_inches(8,8)
        return fig

    def histogram(column,savefig=False):
        import seaborn
        ax = seaborn.countplot(column)
        fig = ax.figure
        return fig
class CS82(object):
    Holds methods to extract and produce plots to CS82 image
    def __init__(self,tilename):
        self._catalog = self.open_file(tilename)
        self._tilename = tilename
        self._columns_radec = self.read_position_columns()
        self._columns_mag = self.read_mag_columns()
        self._columns_flags = self.read_flags_columns()

        self._table = None
        self._magtype = None
    def add_magLims(self,dict_mag):
        import pandas
        for idx,cols in dict_mag.iteritems():
            _vs = cols.values()[0]
            df_new = pandas.DataFrame(cols,index=[idx]*len(_vs))
        if self._table is None:
            self._table = df_new
            self._table = pandas.concat([self._table,df_new])
    def magLims(self):
        return self._table
    def filename(self):
        return self._tilename
    def ra(self):
        return self._catalog['ALPHA_J2000']
    def dec(self):
        return self._catalog['DELTA_J2000']
    def flags(self):
        return self._catalog['FLAGS']
    def mag(self):
        assert self._magtype
        col = 'MAG_'+self._magtype
        assert col in self._catalog.columns
        return self._catalog[col]
    def magerr(self):
        assert self._magtype
        col = 'MAGERR_'+self._magtype
        assert col in self._catalog.columns
        return self._catalog[col]
    def set_magtype(self,mtype):
        self._magtype = mtype
    def open_file(tilename):
        from astropy.table import Table
        cat =,format='fits',hdu=2)
        return cat
    def init_plots(self):
        _columns = self._columns_flags[:]
        _columns.extend([ 'MAG_{}'.format(c) for c in self._columns_mag ])
        _columns.extend([ 'MAGERR_{}'.format(c) for c in self._columns_mag ])
        cat = self._catalog[_columns]
        df = cat.to_pandas()
        for col in _columns:
            nil_indxs = df[col]==99
            df.loc[nil_indxs,col] = None
        self._catalog = df
    def read_position_columns(self):
        return ['ALPHA_J2000','DELTA_J2000']
    def read_mag_columns(self):
        colnames = filter(lambda s:'MAG_' in s, self._catalog.colnames)
        colnames = filter(lambda c:self._catalog[c].ndim == 1, colnames)
        mag_types = [ s[4:] for s in colnames ]
        return mag_types
    def read_flags_columns(self):
        return ['FLAGS']

In [6]:
tiles_list = ['']
mags_list = ['AUTO','BEST','MODEL','PSF']

def _savefig_filename_(tilename,plot_type):
    assert isinstance(plot_type,(str,unicode))
    from os.path import basename,splitext
    rootname = splitext(basename(tilename))[0]
    filename = '{}_{}.png'.format(rootname,plot_type)
    return filename

def _csv_filename_(tilename):
    from os.path import basename,splitext
    rootname = splitext(basename(tilename))[0]
    filename = '{}_{}.csv'.format(rootname,'magLims')
    return filename

for tilename in tiles_list:
    print "Running MAGS-LIMIT pipeline for tile: {}".format(tilename)
    tile = CS82(tilename)
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    for mag in mags_list:
        print "--> processing {} magnitude measurements;".format(mag)

        error_lims = [0.2,0.5]
        def func_linear(t, a, b):
            return a*t + b
        fig,mag_lims_bx = Plots.boxplot(tile.magerr, by=tile.mag, hlines=error_lims,
                                        fit_func=func_linear, nbins=20, savefig=True)

        def func_log(t, a, b):
            from numpy import log
            return a + b * log(t)
        title = '{}: measurement vs error'.format(mag)
        fig,mag_lims_sc = Plots.scatter(x=tile.magerr, y=tile.mag, vlines=error_lims,
                                        fit_func=func_log, title=title, savefig=True)

        tile.add_magLims({ mag:{'Error':error_lims , 'MagErr_Fit':mag_lims_sc , 'MagErr_Box':mag_lims_bx} })

    print "--> done with magnitude plots and depth estimation;"
    fig = Plots.histogram(tile.flags, savefig=True)
    title = 'Footprint: {}'.format(tile.filename)
    fig = Plots.footprint(tile.ra,tile.dec,title=title,savefig=True)
    print "Done with this tile."

Running MAGS-LIMIT pipeline for tile:
--> processing AUTO magnitude measurements;
--> processing BEST magnitude measurements;
--> processing MODEL magnitude measurements;
/anaconda/envs/booq/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
--> processing PSF magnitude measurements;
--> done with magnitude plots and depth estimation;
Done with this tile.

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